.220 Swift Ammo

Professionally Reviewed by:

Nathaniel Boos

Nathaniel Boos

Nathaniel Boos is a lifelong firearms enthusiast and shooter, renowned for his experience as a long-range shooter, ammunition importer/exporter, and firearms manufacturer. With years of hands-on experience, he is a trusted authority in the ammunition and firearms industry.


  • 2x Team Safari Competitor
  • KRG Training Level 1, 2, and Force on Force CQB certified
  • Licensed Texas Conceal Carry Holder
  • Kranz Firearms Training Group Advanced Carbine Certified

.220 Swift: At a Glance

Key Characteristics
Firearm Type Rifle
Primer Type Small Rifle
Used For Varmint Hunting, Target Shooting
Case Design Rimless, Bottleneck
Year Introduced 1935

.220 Swift: At a Glance: Pros and Cons


  • Extremely high velocity, reaching over 4,000 fps
  • Excellent long-range accuracy
  • Flat trajectory for easier aiming at distance
  • Devastating on small varmints
  • Low recoil compared to larger calibers


  • Excessive for some small game, can damage pelts
  • Barrel wear is accelerated due to high velocities
  • Not suitable for medium or large game hunting
  • Ammunition can be more expensive and less available
  • Wind drift can be significant at extreme ranges

.220 Swift: The High-Velocity Varmint Round

The .220 Swift is a centerfire rifle cartridge developed by Winchester in 1935. It is known for its exceptionally high velocity, making it a popular choice for varmint hunting and long-range target shooting. The .220 Swift held the record for the fastest commercial cartridge for over 70 years, with a muzzle velocity of over 4,000 feet per second with a 48-grain bullet.

History and Development

The .220 Swift was introduced by Winchester in 1935 as a new high-velocity cartridge for their Model 54 bolt-action rifle. It was developed from the .250-3000 Savage case, necked down to .224 caliber. The primary goal was to create a cartridge capable of achieving velocities over 4,000 feet per second, which was unprecedented at the time.

Upon its release, the .220 Swift immediately gained attention for its extraordinary speed and flat trajectory. It quickly became popular among varmint hunters and long-range shooters who appreciated its ability to deliver high-velocity impacts on small targets at extended ranges.

Despite its impressive ballistic performance, the .220 Swift faced some challenges. The high velocities it achieved led to concerns about barrel wear, especially in the early days when barrel steel and manufacturing techniques were less advanced. However, improvements in metallurgy and barrel-making processes have largely mitigated these issues in modern rifles.

Over the years, the .220 Swift has maintained a dedicated following, particularly among varmint hunters and long-range target shooters. Its exceptional speed and flat trajectory continue to make it a formidable cartridge for those who prioritize velocity and long-range accuracy.

Ballistic Performance

The .220 Swift's claim to fame is its velocity. With factory loads, it can push a 40-grain bullet to velocities exceeding 4,200 feet per second. This high velocity translates to an extremely flat trajectory, making it easier for shooters to hit small targets at long ranges without significant bullet drop compensation.

The cartridge's high velocity also results in explosive impacts on varmints, making it highly effective for pest control. However, this same characteristic makes it less suitable for larger game, as the bullets tend to fragment quickly upon impact, limiting penetration.

While the .220 Swift excels in velocity, it does produce more recoil than some other varmint cartridges. This, combined with the potential for increased barrel wear, has led some shooters to opt for more moderate cartridges like the .223 Remington or .22-250 Remington for similar applications.

Timeline of .220 Swift Development:

Year Event
2023 The .220 Swift continues to be used by varmint hunters and long-range shooters, with modern manufacturing techniques addressing earlier concerns about barrel wear.
1974 The .220 Swift is dethroned as the fastest commercial cartridge by the .22 Eargesplitten Loudenboomer, which achieved 4,600 ft/s with a 50-grain bullet.
1960s Advancements in bullet design and loading techniques further improve the .220 Swift's performance and versatility.
1950s The .220 Swift gains popularity among varmint hunters and target shooters, despite concerns about barrel wear.
1935 Winchester introduces the .220 Swift cartridge, achieving velocities over 4,000 ft/s with a 48-grain bullet.

.220 Swift Performance Characteristics

The .220 Swift is known for its exceptional velocity and flat trajectory. Here's a breakdown of its key performance characteristics:

Characteristic Performance
Velocity 4,000-4,300 fps (40-50 grain bullets)
Varies based on bullet weight and load
Trajectory Extremely flat trajectory at long ranges
Minimal bullet drop out to 300 yards
Energy 1,400-1,600 ft-lbs at the muzzle (40-50 grain bullets)
High energy transfer on small targets
Recoil Moderate
Higher than some other varmint cartridges due to high velocity
Accuracy Capable of sub-MOA accuracy in quality rifles
Excellent for long-range varmint hunting and target shooting

Bullet Weight vs. Muzzle Velocity

This chart shows how bullet weight affects muzzle velocity for common .220 Swift loads.

Note: Actual velocities may vary based on specific loads, barrel length, and other factors. These values are estimates for comparison purposes.

.220 Swift: Effective Range for Different Applications

This table provides estimated effective ranges for .220 Swift ammunition in various applications. Ranges are based on typical bullet weights and velocities.

Application Effective Range (yards) Notes
Varmint Hunting 0-500 Exceptional for long-range varmint control
Target Shooting 0-1000 Excellent for long-range target shooting and competitions
Predator Hunting 0-400 Effective for coyotes and similar-sized predators
Benchrest Competition 0-600 Popular for benchrest shooting due to its accuracy
Small Game Hunting 0-300 Suitable for small game, but may cause excessive damage at close range

Note: Effective ranges can vary based on factors such as bullet selection, shooter skill, wind conditions, and specific firearm characteristics. The .220 Swift is known for its extremely high velocity and flat trajectory, making it particularly effective at long ranges. Always prioritize safety and adhere to local laws and regulations.

Applications for .220 Swift

The .220 Swift's high velocity and flat trajectory make it suitable for specific applications:

Varmint and Predator Hunting
  • Exceptional for long-range varmint control up to 500 yards
  • Effective for coyotes and similar-sized predators at ranges up to 400 yards
  • High velocity provides rapid expansion on small targets
Target Shooting and Competition
  • Popular for long-range target shooting up to 1000 yards
  • Used in benchrest competitions for its accuracy at ranges up to 600 yards
  • Flat trajectory allows for precise shot placement at extended distances
Small Game Hunting
  • Suitable for small game hunting at ranges up to 300 yards
  • High velocity can cause excessive damage at close range
  • Requires careful shot placement to minimize meat damage
Specialized Long-Range Shooting
  • Used by some long-range shooters for its extreme velocity
  • Capable of maintaining supersonic flight at extended ranges
  • Requires specialized loading techniques for optimal performance

Caliber Comparisons: .220 Swift

The .220 Swift is known for its high velocity and flat trajectory. To understand its place in the rifle world, let's compare it to similar cartridges:

.220 Swift vs. .223 Remington ▼

.220 Swift vs. .22-250 Remington ▼

.220 Swift vs. .204 Ruger ▼

Recoil Energy Comparison

Compare the estimated recoil energy of .220 Swift with other popular rifle cartridges. (Based on a 7.5 lb rifle)

Note: Recoil energy can vary based on specific loads, firearm weight, and other factors. These values are estimates for comparison purposes.

Ballistic Trajectory Comparison

This chart compares the ballistic trajectory (bullet drop) of .220 Swift with other popular rifle cartridges over distance.

Note: Trajectories are calculated for a 100-yard zero. Actual results may vary based on specific loads, atmospheric conditions, and firearm characteristics.

Wind Drift Comparison

This chart compares the wind drift of .220 Swift with other popular rifle cartridges in a 10 mph crosswind.

Note: Wind drift is calculated for a 10 mph full-value crosswind. Actual results may vary based on specific loads, atmospheric conditions, and firearm characteristics.

Energy Retention Comparison

This chart compares the energy retention of .220 Swift with other popular rifle cartridges over distance.

Note: Energy values are calculated based on typical bullet weights and velocities for each cartridge. Actual results may vary based on specific loads and environmental conditions.

Sectional Density Comparison for .220 Swift

The .220 Swift is known for its high velocity and flat trajectory. This table compares the sectional density of common bullet weights used in .220 Swift loads.

Cartridge Bullet Weight (gr) Sectional Density
.220 Swift 40 0.142
.220 Swift 50 0.178
.220 Swift 55 0.196
.220 Swift 60 0.214
.220 Swift 75 0.267

Note: The .220 Swift has a bullet diameter of 0.224 inches. Sectional density is calculated as (bullet weight in pounds) / (bullet diameter in inches)². The .220 Swift's high velocity combined with these sectional densities contributes to its excellent long-range performance and effectiveness on varmints and small game.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is the .220 Swift cartridge known for?

A: The .220 Swift is known for its extremely high velocity. It was the first factory loaded rifle cartridge to break 4,000 feet per second (1,219 m/s), making it one of the fastest commercial cartridges in the world.

Q: When was the .220 Swift introduced?

A: The .220 Swift was introduced by Winchester in 1935 for their Model 54 bolt-action rifle.

Q: What is the typical bullet weight for .220 Swift?

A: The most common bullet weights for .220 Swift range from 40 to 55 grains, with 50 grains being a popular choice for factory loads.

Q: Is the .220 Swift good for hunting?

A: The .220 Swift is excellent for varmint hunting and small game. It's particularly effective on coyotes, prairie dogs, and other small to medium-sized predators. However, it's generally considered too light for deer-sized game.

Q: What is the effective range of the .220 Swift?

A: The .220 Swift has an effective range of up to 400 yards for varmint hunting, with some skilled shooters able to make accurate shots at even greater distances. Its high velocity helps maintain a flat trajectory, making it easier to hit small targets at long range.