.470 Nitro Express

Professionally Reviewed by:

Nathaniel Boos

Nathaniel Boos

Nathaniel Boos is a lifelong firearms enthusiast and shooter, renowned for his experience as a long-range shooter, ammunition importer/exporter, and firearms manufacturer. With years of hands-on experience, he is a trusted authority in the ammunition and firearms industry.


  • 2x Team Safari Competitor
  • KRG Training Level 1, 2, and Force on Force CQB certified
  • Licensed Texas Conceal Carry Holder
  • Kranz Firearms Training Group Advanced Carbine Certified

.470 Nitro Express: At a Glance

Key Characteristics
Firearm Type Double Rifle
Primer Type Large Rifle
Used For Big Game Hunting, Dangerous Game
Case Design Rimmed, Straight
Year Introduced 1907

.470 Nitro Express: At a Glance: Pros and Cons


  • Extremely powerful for large and dangerous game
  • Excellent stopping power for big game animals
  • Reliable performance in adverse conditions
  • Relatively low chamber pressure for its power
  • Well-balanced for quick follow-up shots


  • Significant recoil, challenging for inexperienced shooters
  • Expensive ammunition
  • Limited availability of firearms chambered in this caliber
  • Heavy rifles, typically weighing 10-12 pounds
  • Overkill for most hunting situations outside of dangerous game

.470 Nitro Express: The African Big Game Cartridge

The .470 Nitro Express is a powerful big-game rifle cartridge developed in the early 20th century. It was designed specifically for hunting dangerous game in Africa, such as elephants, rhinoceros, and cape buffalo. Known for its immense stopping power and reliability, the .470 Nitro Express has become a classic choice among professional hunters and safari enthusiasts.

History and Development

The .470 Nitro Express was developed in 1907 by Joseph Lang, a renowned British gunmaker. It was created as a response to the need for a cartridge that could effectively stop charging dangerous game at close ranges. The cartridge was designed to be used in double rifles, which were favored by professional hunters for their quick follow-up shot capability.

The .470 Nitro Express was based on the earlier .450 Nitro Express case, necked up to accept a .474-inch diameter bullet. This design allowed for a heavy bullet with high sectional density, which is crucial for deep penetration on large, thick-skinned animals. The cartridge typically fires a 500-grain bullet at velocities around 2,150 feet per second, generating over 5,000 foot-pounds of muzzle energy.

Throughout the 20th century, the .470 Nitro Express gained a reputation as one of the most reliable and effective cartridges for dangerous game hunting. It was widely adopted by professional hunters in Africa and became a standard caliber for safari hunting. The cartridge's effectiveness led to its use not only for hunting but also as a backup weapon for game wardens and rangers in areas with dangerous wildlife.

Despite the development of newer cartridges, the .470 Nitro Express has maintained its popularity due to its proven track record and the availability of quality ammunition. Modern advancements in bullet design and powder formulations have further enhanced its performance, ensuring its continued relevance in big game hunting.

Ballistics and Performance

The .470 Nitro Express is renowned for its exceptional ballistic performance. Firing a 500-grain bullet at 2,150 feet per second, it delivers a massive 5,132 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle. This combination of heavy bullet weight and high velocity results in deep penetration and substantial tissue damage, essential for quickly stopping large, dangerous animals.

The cartridge's relatively low velocity compared to some modern magnum cartridges contributes to its manageable recoil, considering its power. This allows for quicker follow-up shots, which can be critical in dangerous game situations. The .470 Nitro Express also maintains its energy well over distance, retaining over 3,000 foot-pounds at 100 yards, making it effective at typical hunting ranges for dangerous game.

Timeline of .470 Nitro Express Development:

Year Event
2021 Modern bullet designs continue to improve the performance of the .470 Nitro Express, maintaining its relevance in big game hunting.
1990 Resurgence in popularity of dangerous game hunting leads to increased production of .470 Nitro Express rifles and ammunition
1950 The .470 Nitro Express becomes a standard caliber for professional hunters in Africa
1912 First recorded use of the .470 Nitro Express in a major African hunting expedition
1907 Joseph Lang develops the .470 Nitro Express cartridge

.470 Nitro Express Performance

The .470 Nitro Express offers exceptional performance characteristics that have made it a go-to choice for dangerous game hunting. Here's a breakdown of its key performance characteristics:

Characteristic Performance
Bullet Weight 500 grains
Standard bullet weight for the cartridge
Muzzle Velocity 2,150 fps
Velocity with standard 500-grain bullet
Muzzle Energy 5,132 ft-lbs
Massive energy for stopping large, dangerous game
Effective Range 100 yards
Optimal range for dangerous game hunting
Penetration Deep penetration on large animals
Capable of penetrating thick hide and heavy bone

Bullet Weight vs. Muzzle Velocity

This chart shows how bullet weight affects muzzle velocity for common .470 Nitro Express loads.

Note: These values represent standard factory loads. Custom loads may vary.

.470 Nitro Express: Effective Range for Different Applications

This table provides estimated effective ranges for .470 Nitro Express ammunition in various applications. Ranges are based on typical bullet weights and velocities.

Application Effective Range (yards) Notes
Elephant Hunting 0-40 Optimal range for stopping power against the largest game
Buffalo Hunting 0-80 Effective for dangerous game at slightly longer ranges
Lion Hunting 0-100 Provides substantial knockdown power for big cats
General Dangerous Game 0-150 Versatile for various large and dangerous African game
Target Shooting 0-200 Limited use due to recoil, but capable of accuracy at this range

Note: The .470 Nitro Express is primarily designed for close-range encounters with dangerous game. Its heavy recoil and bullet drop limit its practical use at longer ranges. Always prioritize safety and adhere to local laws and regulations when hunting dangerous game.

Applications for .470 Nitro Express

The .470 Nitro Express is a specialized cartridge designed primarily for hunting dangerous game in Africa:

Elephant Hunting
  • Designed to deliver massive stopping power at close ranges
  • Capable of penetrating thick hide and bone
  • Used by professional hunters as a backup gun for elephant hunts
Buffalo and Rhinoceros Hunting
  • Excellent for taking down large, tough-skinned animals
  • Provides deep penetration and substantial tissue damage
  • Effective for stopping charging animals in emergency situations
Lion and Leopard Hunting
  • Overkill for most big cats, but provides insurance in dangerous situations
  • Ensures quick, ethical kills on large predators
  • Used when hunting in thick brush where close encounters are likely
Safari Backup Gun
  • Often carried by professional hunters as a 'stopping rifle'
  • Provides reassurance when guiding clients on dangerous game hunts
  • Effective for following up on wounded dangerous game

Caliber Comparisons: .470 Nitro Express

The .470 Nitro Express is a powerful big-game rifle cartridge. To understand its capabilities, let's compare it to similar large-bore cartridges:

.470 Nitro Express vs. .458 Winchester Magnum ▼

.470 Nitro Express vs. .500 Nitro Express ▼

.470 Nitro Express vs. .375 H&H Magnum ▼

Recoil Energy Comparison

Compare the estimated recoil energy of .470 Nitro Express with other large-bore rifle cartridges. (Based on a 12 lb rifle)

.223 Remington Recoil Energy Comparison Chart">
Note: Recoil energy can vary based on specific loads and firearm characteristics. These values are estimates for comparison purposes.

Ballistic Trajectory Comparison

This chart compares the ballistic trajectory (bullet drop) of .470 Nitro Express with other large-bore rifle cartridges over distance.

Note: Trajectories are calculated for a 100-yard zero. Actual results may vary based on specific loads and atmospheric conditions.

Wind Drift Comparison

This chart compares the wind drift of .470 Nitro Express with other large-bore rifle cartridges in a 10 mph crosswind.

Note: Wind drift is calculated for a 10 mph full-value crosswind. Actual results may vary based on specific loads and atmospheric conditions.

Energy Retention Comparison

This chart compares the energy retention of .470 Nitro Express with other large-bore rifle cartridges over distance.

Note: Energy values are calculated based on typical bullet weights and velocities for each cartridge. Actual results may vary based on specific loads and environmental conditions.

Sectional Density of .470 Nitro Express

The .470 Nitro Express is a powerful big game rifle cartridge. It was designed for hunting dangerous game in Africa and India.

Cartridge Bullet Weight (gr) Sectional Density
.470 Nitro Express 500 0.341
.470 Nitro Express 525 0.358

Note: The .470 Nitro Express has a high sectional density, which contributes to its excellent penetration on large, thick-skinned game animals. The cartridge's large diameter and heavy bullet weight result in significant stopping power and deep penetration, making it suitable for hunting dangerous game at close ranges.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is the .470 Nitro Express cartridge?

A: The .470 Nitro Express is a powerful big-game rifle cartridge developed in 1907. It was designed for hunting large and dangerous game animals in Africa and India. The cartridge fires a .474 inch (12.0 mm) diameter bullet.

Q: What is the typical bullet weight for .470 Nitro Express?

A: The standard bullet weight for .470 Nitro Express is 500 grains (32.4 grams). This heavy bullet provides excellent penetration and stopping power against large game animals.

Q: What is the muzzle velocity of .470 Nitro Express?

A: The typical muzzle velocity for a .470 Nitro Express cartridge with a 500-grain bullet is around 2,150 feet per second (655 meters per second).

Q: Is the .470 Nitro Express still in use today?

A: Yes, the .470 Nitro Express is still used today by professional hunters and some sport hunters for dangerous game in Africa. It remains a popular choice for its reliability and stopping power against large animals like elephants, buffalo, and rhinos.

Q: What type of rifle action is typically used for .470 Nitro Express?

A: The .470 Nitro Express is most commonly used in double rifles. These rifles are favored for dangerous game hunting due to their quick follow-up shot capability and reliability in harsh conditions.