.500 Nitro Express

Professionally Reviewed by:

Nathaniel Boos

Nathaniel Boos

Nathaniel Boos is a lifelong firearms enthusiast and shooter, renowned for his experience as a long-range shooter, ammunition importer/exporter, and firearms manufacturer. With years of hands-on experience, he is a trusted authority in the ammunition and firearms industry.


  • 2x Team Safari Competitor
  • KRG Training Level 1, 2, and Force on Force CQB certified
  • Licensed Texas Conceal Carry Holder
  • Kranz Firearms Training Group Advanced Carbine Certified

.500 Nitro Express: At a Glance

Key Characteristics
Firearm Type Double Rifle, Single-Shot Rifle
Primer Type Large Rifle
Used For Big Game Hunting, Dangerous Game
Case Design Rimmed, Straight
Year Introduced 1890

.500 Nitro Express: At a Glance: Pros and Cons


  • Extremely powerful for large and dangerous game
  • Excellent stopping power for big game animals
  • Deep penetration for thick-skinned animals
  • Reliable performance in adverse conditions
  • Historic prestige and reputation


  • Severe recoil, challenging to shoot accurately
  • Expensive ammunition
  • Limited availability of firearms chambered for it
  • Heavy rifles required to manage recoil
  • Overpowered for most hunting situations

.500 Nitro Express: The Elephant Gun

The .500 Nitro Express is a powerful big game rifle cartridge, designed for hunting large and dangerous game in Africa. Known for its immense stopping power, the .500 Nitro Express has earned a reputation as one of the most formidable elephant hunting cartridges ever created. This round delivers massive energy transfer and deep penetration, making it capable of taking down the largest land animals on Earth.

History and Development

The .500 Nitro Express was developed in 1890 by John Rigby, building upon the success of the earlier .500 Black Powder Express. The transition to smokeless powder allowed for increased velocities and energy, while maintaining the large .510-inch diameter bullet. This cartridge was specifically designed to meet the demands of professional hunters and adventurers seeking a reliable means to stop charging elephants and other dangerous game.

The .500 Nitro Express quickly gained popularity among big game hunters in Africa and India. Its effectiveness against thick-skinned and heavy-boned animals like elephants, rhinoceros, and cape buffalo made it a staple in the arsenal of professional hunters and wealthy sportsmen. The cartridge's power and reliability in critical situations cemented its reputation as a go-to choice for dangerous game hunting.

Throughout the 20th century, the .500 Nitro Express remained a benchmark for large-bore rifle cartridges. Despite the development of other powerful calibers, the .500 Nitro Express maintained its position as one of the most respected and feared cartridges in the hunting world. Its continued use by professional hunters and its appearance in popular culture have contributed to its legendary status.

In modern times, the .500 Nitro Express continues to be manufactured by several companies, catering to a niche market of big game hunters and collectors. While its use has decreased due to changes in hunting regulations and the availability of more modern cartridges, the .500 Nitro Express remains an icon of the golden age of African safaris and big game hunting.

Ballistic Performance

The .500 Nitro Express typically fires a 570-grain bullet at a muzzle velocity of 2,150 feet per second, generating over 5,800 foot-pounds of muzzle energy. This combination of a heavy bullet and high velocity results in deep penetration and massive energy transfer, essential for stopping large, dangerous game. The cartridge's performance at typical hunting ranges ensures that it remains effective even in dense brush or at longer distances.

While the .500 Nitro Express offers unparalleled stopping power, it also produces significant recoil. Rifles chambered for this cartridge are typically heavy, often weighing 12-15 pounds, to help manage the recoil. Despite this, the .500 Nitro Express requires a skilled and experienced shooter to handle effectively, especially in high-pressure hunting situations.

Timeline of .500 Nitro Express Development:

Year Event
2023 The .500 Nitro Express continues to be produced by specialty ammunition manufacturers for big game hunters and collectors.
1990 100th anniversary of the .500 Nitro Express, with commemorative rifles produced by various manufacturers.
1948 India bans elephant hunting, reducing the use of .500 Nitro Express in the region.
1912 Famous elephant hunter James Sutherland endorses the .500 Nitro Express as his preferred cartridge.
1900 The .500 Nitro Express becomes widely adopted by professional hunters in Africa.
1890 John Rigby develops the .500 Nitro Express cartridge.

.500 Nitro Express Performance

The .500 Nitro Express offers exceptional performance for large and dangerous game hunting. Here's a breakdown of its key performance characteristics:

Characteristic Performance
Bullet Weight 570 grains
Standard load, other weights available
Muzzle Velocity 2,150 feet per second
With standard 570-grain bullet
Muzzle Energy 5,850 foot-pounds
Massive energy transfer for stopping large game
Effective Range Up to 200 yards
Optimal performance at typical dangerous game hunting distances
Recoil Severe
Requires heavy rifles and experienced shooters to manage effectively

Bullet Weight vs. Muzzle Velocity

This chart shows how bullet weight affects muzzle velocity for common .500 Nitro Express loads.

Note: These values are based on standard factory loads. Custom loads may vary.

.500 Nitro Express: Effective Range for Different Applications

This table provides estimated effective ranges for .500 Nitro Express ammunition in various applications. Ranges are based on typical bullet weights and velocities.

Application Effective Range (yards) Notes
Dangerous Game Hunting 0-100 Optimal range for stopping large, dangerous game animals
Big Game Hunting 0-150 Effective for large non-dangerous game at slightly longer ranges
Safari Backup 0-50 Ideal for close-range defensive use against charging animals

Note: The .500 Nitro Express is a specialized cartridge designed for dangerous game hunting at close ranges. Its heavy recoil and large bullet diameter limit its effective range compared to smaller calibers. Always prioritize safety and adhere to local laws and regulations when using this powerful cartridge.

Applications for .500 Nitro Express

The .500 Nitro Express is a specialized cartridge with a specific set of applications:

Dangerous Game Hunting
  • Primary use for hunting elephants, rhinos, and cape buffalo
  • Designed to deliver massive stopping power at close ranges
  • Used by professional hunters and guides in Africa
Big Game Hunting
  • Suitable for large, thick-skinned game animals
  • Provides deep penetration and large wound channels
  • Often used as a backup weapon for dangerous game hunts
Collector's Item
  • Prized by firearm collectors for its historical significance
  • Often found in custom-made, high-end double rifles
  • Represents the pinnacle of dangerous game cartridges

Caliber Comparisons: .500 Nitro Express

The .500 Nitro Express is a powerful big game hunting cartridge. To understand its capabilities, let's compare it to similar large-bore cartridges:

.500 Nitro Express vs. .470 Nitro Express ▼

.500 Nitro Express vs. .577 Nitro Express ▼

.500 Nitro Express vs. .458 Winchester Magnum ▼

Recoil Energy Comparison

Compare the estimated recoil energy of .500 Nitro Express with other large-bore rifle cartridges. (Based on a 13 lb rifle)

.223 Remington Recoil Energy Comparison Chart">
Note: Recoil energy can vary based on specific loads and firearm characteristics. These values are estimates for comparison purposes.

Ballistic Trajectory Comparison

This chart compares the ballistic trajectory (bullet drop) of .500 Nitro Express with other large-bore rifle cartridges over distance.

Note: Trajectories are calculated for a 100-yard zero. Actual results may vary based on specific loads and atmospheric conditions.

Wind Drift Comparison

This chart compares the wind drift of .500 Nitro Express with other large-bore rifle cartridges in a 10 mph crosswind.

Note: Wind drift is calculated for a 10 mph full-value crosswind. Actual results may vary based on specific loads and atmospheric conditions.

Energy Retention Comparison

This chart compares the energy retention of .500 Nitro Express with other large-bore rifle cartridges over distance.

Note: Energy values are calculated based on typical bullet weights and velocities for each cartridge. Actual results may vary based on specific loads and environmental conditions.

Sectional Density Comparison for .500 Nitro Express

The .500 Nitro Express is a powerful big game hunting cartridge. This table compares the sectional density of different bullet weights for the .500 Nitro Express.

Cartridge Bullet Weight (gr) Sectional Density
.500 Nitro Express 570 0.341
.500 Nitro Express 600 0.359
.500 Nitro Express 535 0.320

Note: The .500 Nitro Express is known for its high sectional density values, which contribute to its excellent penetration capabilities on large and dangerous game. The cartridge's large bullet diameter of 0.510 inches results in impressive sectional density figures even with its heavy bullet weights.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is the .500 Nitro Express cartridge?

A: The .500 Nitro Express is a large-bore rifle cartridge developed in the early 20th century for big game hunting in Africa. It was designed to provide enough power to stop charging dangerous game like elephants and rhinoceros.

Q: What are the typical ballistics of the .500 Nitro Express?

A: The .500 Nitro Express typically fires a 570-grain bullet at a muzzle velocity of 2150 feet per second, generating about 5850 ft-lbs of muzzle energy.

Q: What type of rifles are chambered for .500 Nitro Express?

A: The .500 Nitro Express is most commonly found in double rifles, which are favored for dangerous game hunting due to their quick follow-up shot capability. Some single-shot rifles are also chambered for this cartridge.

Q: Is the .500 Nitro Express still used today?

A: Yes, the .500 Nitro Express is still used by professional hunters and some sport hunters for dangerous game in Africa. It remains one of the most powerful rifle cartridges available and is highly respected for its stopping power.

Q: What is the effective range of the .500 Nitro Express?

A: The effective range of the .500 Nitro Express is typically around 100 yards. While it can shoot further, it is primarily designed for close encounters with dangerous game, where its massive energy transfer is most effective.